CPD / CIP Points = 2.5
Estimated Duration = 2.5 Hours
Professional Indemnity | Level 1 (Recommended Pre-requisite “Claims Made Policies”)
Key learning outcomes:
The Professional Indemnity | Level 1 module’s key learning outcomes include analysis of the negligence test and how that test ties-into Professional Indemnity cover. The types of losses as well as costs covered by a Professional Indemnity policy are then discussed, followed by details of some professions with a Professional Indemnity exposure. An exercise with claims scenarios which contrast Professional Indemnity and General Liability ensues. An explanation of the fundamentals of a Professional Indemnity policy and policy schedule as well as a case study requiring participants to find information in a policy schedule and policy wording follows. Who a Professional Indemnity policy covers and regulatory and contractual requirements for Professional Indemnity are then analysed. The module concludes by briefly examining the Professional Indemnity sales process and exploring some claims examples.
There will be a short break in the middle of the unit. Progress checks are done through the module. Time-permitting, a 12-question test will be conducted at the end of the training session.
Once this module is completed, the learner will have a basic understanding of Professional Indemnity.
© Oren Jacobi